sarah smith

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BUSY WOMEN! You don't need the "RIGHT" program, just the skills to adapt ANY program to your life, day, needs!

This one is for ALL the WOMEN with their hands full! 

Let's be real here, sometimes this self care,self love stuff falls flat when we know that our lives HAVE to be about caring for and serving others. 

Even when we do have things that we do FOR US, they STILL need to fit in with all the expectations and responsibilities we have that don't go away, just because we need some care, down time, etc. 

IN FACT, the more real life accommodating options we have for "self-care", the more likely it is that we will ACTUALLY do them. 

I love myself a pedicure, massage, meal out with girlfriends, quiet coffee time and uninterrupted workout, BUT those things don't happen on a routine basis. 

Let me be clear,, I think as moms we 100% need to teach our kids boundaries and ask our partners to support us in our own health and self care. 
NO ONE benefits from us being a martyr, doormat, constantly putting our own needs aside. 
BUT we also have to be realistic about what #selfcare can look like at this stage. 

To me, one form of self care IS teaching my kids to quietly observe, participate in and respect my movement time. 

And it's cool because now that my older boys are 6 and 8 and doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu-they are starting to cultivate their own training practice-although most of their movement is rightfully just unstructured play time. 

Back to self care. 
Routine daily movement, training and Original Strength resets (includes breath and pelvic floor work) are HUGE parts of my self care practice. 

  • They breath life into this body. 

  • They help me manage stress.

  • They help me feel confident in both what my body can do and how it looks. 

  • They keep my digestion, hormones and sleep healthy. 

  • They are actually enjoyable!

  • They give me a break from #mumlife

BUT, they don't look the same every day and I had to work a little to modify these practices to meet ME where I am each day. 

You yourself have different needs than me. 
Your personality/movement preference is different.
Your schedule and life restrictions are different.
Your workout resources (space/time/equipment/know-how) are different.
Your desired results, different.

So how do you take an exercise program, workout, movement practice DESIGNED by someone else and make it work FOR YOU?
How do you account for your level of exhaustion/energy; hormones (where you are in your cycle, IT MATTERS!)?
How do you adapt a workout to your time, clothing (whether you want to put on a sports bra or get sweaty or not)?

You get EDUCATED on how fitness works and EMPOWERED to make changes that work for your life!

In my Five Day Fitness Challenge and Coaching Club,the 2019 POP ChallengeI am sharing my FIVE PERSISTENCE OVER PERFECTION TRAINING TOOLS to get you more persistent and better results than EVERY before!

We start February 18th!
You get

  1. 5 days of workouts and movement programming

  2. Playlists that ROCK and inspire

  3. Daily Training Tools that educate and empower

  4. Daily LIVE coaching by ME!

  5. Access to an amazing community of women with FULL lives JUST LIKE YOU!

This challenge is only for you IF you

  • are tired of feeling inconsistent and GUILTY about not moving and exercising

  • ARE OVER starting and stopping programs because you either hate the exercise, pace, design OR are discouraged by lack of results.

  • Keep waiting for your life to “settle down” so you have time to FINALLY workout again, like you used to!

  • Need some pep talks and empowerment from a coach that has been where you are.

  • Are ready to take ACTION!

Doing this challenge with a friend will ENRICH your experience and provide you with added ACCOUNTABILITY and SUPPORT.
Share this post with a friend or family partner, ASK them to join you!