sarah smith

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You've been misled about prolapse. It's not a pelvic floor problem.

It’s not a pelvic floor problem.

Strengthening your pelvic floor, doing all the kegels and even having surgery isn’t going to fix your prolapse.

Because there are THREE root causes of prolapse

Three causes that will NOT be corrected by surgery.

And the important thing about these three causes is that addressing them will not only allow you to conquer prolapse, BUT will help you to address the other health issues you have as well.

I have helped thousands of women over-come their pelvic floor problems and I can tell you with certainty, I have never worked with a woman that has prolapse doesn’t ALSO have one or more of the following conditions:

Adrenal fatigue


Bloating and cramping after meals


Chronic back, sacral, hip or pelvic pain

Diastasis recti

Digestives distress

Difficulty sleeping
Food intolerances

Frequent yeast or urinary tract infections

Hormonal imbalances
Mouth breathing

Neck and shoulder tension

Poor posture

Routine injury
Short fuse

Sagging middle “mummy tummy”-my clients’ term not mine
Thyroid problems

Are these issues related to prolapse?

And the beauty of it is that WHEN you address your prolapse in a holistic manner that targets the root causes behind the sinking of your organs, you will not ONLY conquer your prolapse, but you will make your body and mind stronger, healthier and more resilient than it has ever been before!

I’m here to tell you about the THREE root causes behind your prolapse or as I like to call them, the “Three M’s”.

Master the three M’s and NOT only will you conquer your prolapse, but you’ll be stronger, more balanced, vibrant and resilient too!

If you want to learn the THREE ROOT CAUSES of prolapse, take my FREE webinar now!