sarah smith

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When you have so little time, what can you do to improve your wellness?

Do you have wellness-related goals (you want to eat better, burn fat stores, exercise more, practice self care...) but you feel like you don't have the time to do it and do it right? (Mom's of young children, this one is especially for you!)

I want to share a word with you.
A word that helps me greatly in my daily wellness journey.





Right now you have very real restrictions on your time.

You might be struggling to even IMAGINE adding something like exercise or healthfull eating to your plate ( no pun intended there!)

I'm writing to you today to encourage you.
Take action.
No matter how small or messy, take a step towards honoring and caring for your body.


Don't wait for life to get easier before you take this first step.
Don't worry about getting it perfect...about getting in a full workout, practicing yoga for a tranquil 60 minutes, or creating and following that perfect meal plan.

Do what you can today to move little bit closer to your goals, no matter how imperfect and messy it might look. (Don't know how to create goals? Read here.)


Begin creating momentum.
"Momentum" is defined as the "impetus gained by a moving object."
and "impetus" is "the force that makes something happen, or happen more quickly."

This means that in order to make something happen you have to start moving in the direction and then build upon that movement.

Creating momentum with respect to health and wellness is getting in the habit of practicing discipline and commitment even on a small scale on a routine basis.
Routine is the key here.
Regular practice creates momentum.

What does this look like?

One of my wellness-related struggles is getting in a routine workouts.

Between taking care of my family, my responsibilities at home, working with my clients, and being a tired mom of 3 kids under 6, I struggle to stay committed to exercise.
My goal for my body, stress, and mind is to exercise 3, maybe 4 times a week.

Some weeks this is easier than others.
This week for example, was a little extra nuts.
I needed to workout on Wednesday, but I had almost no free time to do so!

Rather than just shelving the workout and getting out of the rhythm of exercising 3 times a week, I opted to just workout as hard as I could for 5 minutes which grew into 10 minutes, yay!

The workout was interrupted, there were toys all over the floor, dishes in the sink, laundry on the bed and a baby crawling underneath me, but I did it!

I did a Wayfaring Wellness body weight workout (so I didn't even have to find equipment) and I just got through it.


Was it ideal?
But I worked out hard in that short period.
I maintained momentum and that made it easier for me to get in a full workout today.

I know from experience, that when I begin to skip exercise (for reasons other than the fact that I'm sick and or my body is tired) it becomes easier to keep putting my fitness routine goals on the back burner.
I lose momentum and then it's much more difficult to start up again!


We all know what this feels like.
Think about swinging on a swing.
Those first 3-5 swings are the hardest. ESPECIALLY if you're not in the habit of swinging at all!
We can't go from a dead stop to swinging at full range.
We start slowly, pumping our legs, moving our torso and pulling with our arms.
The little swings get bigger and bigger until we're swinging as high as possible.
But we didn't get there in one leap and starting was the hardest part!



If you're consistent and disciplined even with small changes, your lifestyle will shift and honoring your wellness and or physique goals will become easier.

You will make progress.

Your mind and your behavior will change and your physique will follow.

Waiting for the perfect moment to start usually means never starting.
I'm not saying that you don't have perfectly good excuses for not exercising or eating well today.
You totally do.

It's that an interrupted workout is better than none.
One good healthy meal a day out of 3 is better than 3 unhealthy meals out of 3.

Look at it as an investment.
Investing small amounts of time and energy will create the momentum you need to foster the impetus necessary for effective and sustainable change!

Even if you're in a crunch period and you don't just have bad days, but bad weeks, hard months, maybe even a difficult year!

The day will come when you have more freedom, more time and more energy.
And when it does, you'll already be moving and ready to break out into a full swing!

If you're having difficulty even knowing where to start, email me and we can talk about some small action plans for working towards your big picture goals for your wellness!

Don't forget to check out Wayfaring Wellness for time efficient, do anywhere workouts that you can adjust to your fitness level!
It's available for $11.97 until July 20th.


